
The Perfect Pup, LLC

4th of July Dangers for Dogs

4th of July Dangers to Dogs

Independence Day can be a fun time for humans but is usually a stressful time for dogs. There are several 4th of July dangers to dogs. Fireworks, toxic food, and even the weather can ruin your dog’s holiday. You can, however, still enjoy Independence Day with your dog if you are cautious and watch your dog closely. We will be closed on Independence Day but we still wanted to let you know about the 4th of July Dangers to Dogs. Have a happy and safe Independence Day!

4th of July Dangers to Dogs

Fireworks can be very frightening to dogs. More dogs go missing around the 4th of July than any other day in the United States. If you are going to see fireworks, leave your canine friend at home in a secure and sheltered area. You should also never allow fireworks to be used around your dog. Curious dogs can easily become burned or suffer exposure to toxic substances in the fireworks such as potassium nitrate or arsenic. Even unused fireworks can pose a danger. If you are a dog owner, consider leaving the fireworks out of the 4th!

Watch what your dog is eating and drinking.
Independence Day often goes hand in hand with food but most of the picnic food that people eat should never be touched by dogs. If there are alcoholic beverages at the picnic, make sure they are kept far away from your dog’s reach. Alcoholic beverages can poison pets and cause potential comas. You’ll also want picnic guests to refrain from feeding your dog. Heavily processed meats and other types of food can seriously mess with their digestive system. Particularly dangerous foods include chocolate and grapes. Resist the urge to give your dog any of the BBQ scraps even if it is a special occasion.

Keep your dog out of the Independence Day heat
Most Independence Day cookouts come with hot weather. Unlike humans, dogs must work hard to maintain their body temperature. If you are going to bring the dog to a cookout, make sure you bring enough water and try your best to keep them out of the sun. If the dog is engaged in play, give them frequent rest breaks. You can also have them lick ice cubes to stay cool. Keep in mind that if your picnic is at the beach, you should also keep the dog away from the salt water. Ingesting too much saltwater can lead to electrolyte imbalances.

Watch out for harmful insects
Mosquitoes and ticks are usually running rampant by the time the 4th rolls around. Make sure your pet is properly protected from these insects before spending an extended amount of time outside. Both insects can cause disease in dogs such as Lyme Disease and Heartworm. Heartworm can be fatal. Also, remember that you should never use human insect repellent. DEET and other chemicals can be toxic to pets.

Be ready for emergencies.
If an emergency does come up, it will likely have a better outcome if you are prepared. Make sure your dog is wearing their identification tag on their collar in case they get scared by fireworks. Check to see if their microchip information is up to date. Bring a pet first aid kit for medical emergencies and don’t forget any medication that they have to take for fireworks-related fear.

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