The Perfect Pup, LLC

Life Skills for Reactive Dogs

Life Skills for Reactive Dogs

Instructor: Kelly Leisten, KPA CTP, CCUI, from Applaud the Dog (Guilford, CT)

Saturdays, 3/19 through 4/23 from 3:00-4:00pm; no class on 4/2.

$275 + sales tax for 5 weeks

Description:This class is the perfect next step for dogs who have taken our Relief for Reactive Dogs class! You and your dogs will practice using the techniques you’ve learned to:

· navigate situations that happen in daily life

· feel calm and safe near people, dogs, and other triggers

· handle distractions when you’re out in public

· “expect the unexpected” and be confident in new situations

PREREQUISITE: Must have taken Relief for Reactive Dogs

Note: If you have not taken Relief for Reactive Dogs, please contact Kelly ( before you register.