The Perfect Pup, LLC

Spring Tick Protection for Dogs

Spring Tick Prevention for Dogs

Spring Tick Protection for Dogs

Spring is officially here, and Connecticut dog owners will soon be eager to grab their furry friends and head outside. Unfortunately, with spring comes tick season. Ticks are dangerous because not only can they harm your dog, but they can also make you sick! Ticks are normally outside pests, but they can hitch a ride on your dog and inhabit your house. We are a professional dog training facility in Deep River, CT. This week we’re going to talk about spring tick protection for dogs.

The dangers of ticks.

Ticks are considered parasites because they feed on blood. They can easily be missed by the naked eye and by the time they are finally noticed, they may have already spread disease to your dog through their bite. Ticks are the most active in late spring or summer but can start coming out in the northeast as early as March in the northeast.

Where do ticks live?

Ticks are the most common in areas where there is tall brush or grass. They can also be common in wooded areas, especially in the northeast. If you live in an area that has any of these listed things, you should check your pet daily. Run your hands over your dog each time they come inside. Pay close attention to the inside and outside of their ears, as well as their head, neck, and between the toes.

How do I know if my dog has a tick-related illness?

Signs that your dog has gotten sick from a tick bite may include anemia, a diagnosis of Lyme Disease, sudden paralysis, or skin infection. If you do find a tick on your pet, always take the proper steps to remove it. Check out this article on how to properly remove a tick.

How can I keep ticks at bay?

Keeping your lawn mowed regularly is one of the easiest ways to keep ricks from settling in your yard. You should remove any tall weeds. You should also have your dog on monthly tick prevention. There are several topical and oral tick preventatives for dogs now available. You should also practice tick prevention on yourself. Always check yourself before going inside after spending time in areas where ticks are common. You can also wear a topical tick preventative and wear light-colored clothing so ticks are easier to spot.