The Perfect Pup, LLC

Puppy Socialization and Training

The Importance of Puppy Socialization and Training

With our new facility, The Perfect Pup 2, we’ve introduced a new day camp program for puppies over eight weeks old. The pandemic has dramatically increased the number of individuals and families who have chosen to adopt or purchase a puppy. Like humans, dogs are social creatures and crave companionship. With the vaccine now available, many people are choosing to go back to work. This decreases the chance for the puppy to be trained and socialized properly. This is why we decided to implement a Puppy Play and Train Day Camp. Our trainers will cover several aspects of socialization and training. Puppy socialization and training at a young age are vital for their development. You can read the reasons for this below.

Why puppy socialization is important.

Puppy socialization is extremely important in their first three months of life. It can permanently shape their adult personalities and how they react to their environment. Our training camp will introduce the puppy to a variety of people, places, situations, and other dogs. Behavioral issues most commonly start in dogs that are under three years of age. Exposing the puppy to socialization and training early can help with this. A tired puppy is a well-behaved puppy and when allowed to play with other puppies in a supervised manner, they’ll be better when they return home.

Puppy socialization promotes better physical and mental health.

Puppies that spend time exercising, playing, and interacting with other dogs lead healthy and happy lives. Puppies that are under socialized tend to worry or get anxious will spend more time concentrating on fear rather than burning energy. Puppy socialization and training can also create a confident puppy which leads to having a confident dog in the future. A confident socialized dog will be much better when going to public places such as dog-friendly restaurants and the park.

How much socialization training should a puppy undergo?

Even though puppy socialization is very important, it is possible to overstimulate the puppy with too many social experiences. The socialization training may have the opposite effect and create a dog that is scared to be touched or fears interaction. When attending our training camp, we will go at the pace that works for the individual puppy. Our trainers have a combined experience of over twenty years in dog training. With this knowledge, we can easily tell if a puppy is becoming too nervous or is experiencing too much all at once. If the puppy has a particular fear, we will use positive reinforcement to get the puppy to conquer it.

We also have a training camp for adult dogs! Let us train and exercise your dog while you’re at work.